Human Habitats (Farms, Gardens & Cities)

The native plants and animals have had to adapt quickly to colonizing humans from Europe and their modified habitats, including homes, gardens and agricultural areas. Some species from other lands have been introduced and now call these habitats home.

Dust storm in south-west Australia.

Of course there is an stupendously large amount of introduced plants across Australian human habitats; some to provide food, many to plant in our gardens as ornamentals, and many that escape as weeds.

Gloriosa superba, 'Flame/Climbing Lily'! The plant is used for medicine but is also poisonous. Native to tropical and southern Africa. Introduced to French Polynesia and tropical Australia.(Pajinka, Cape York, Queensland)
Argemone ochroleuca, 'Mexican Poppy'. Grows as a weed in south-west and south-east Australia. From Central America.
Combretum indicum, 'Rangoon Creeper'. Vine. Flowers change from white to pink. Native to tropical Asia. Seen in northern Australia. (George Brown Botanical Gardens, Darwin)
Couroupita guianensis, 'Cannonball Tree'. Native to forests of north-eastern South America. Deciduous. Grown in tropical gardens for its distinctive cauliflory, and spectacular amount of flowers. (George Brown Botanical Gardens, Darwin, NT)

While most Australians do not like to see snakes around their homes, many lizards become regular visiting features of urban areas.

'Eastern Water Dragon', (Maroochydoore, Australia)

And of course Australian urban areas are host to many familiar birds. Some are welcomed and watched, while others are not so popular...

'Australian Brush Turkey', (Maroochydoore, Australia)

Despite the constant threat of dogs, Brush Turkeys manage to survive. Pictured is the huge mound of Australian Brush Turkey. These huge nests have become quite common in urban backyards in south-east Queensland, much to the annoyance of gardeners. Well, I guess they were here first.

(Maroochydoore, Australia)

While many towns and cities around the world have to deal with the messy introduced Common (Rock) Pigeon, the urban areas of Australia are home to many attractive native species...

'Crested Pigeon', (Maroochydoore, Queensland)

And of course the biggest family of birds on the continent includes many species that visit homes and gardens.

'Blue-faced Honeyeater', (Emerald botanical gardens, Queensland)
'Noisy Miner', (Maroochydoore, Queensland)

Common across woodland, farms and even in the centre of the biggest city, is the Australian Magpie.

(Sydney, Australia)

For many urban dwellers, the noise of native possums running around on their roof is annoying  - but look how cute this Pseudocheirus peregrinus, 'Common Ringtail' is!

Common Ringtail Possum (Maroochydoore)
Common Brushtail Possum about to shit on the author (Possum Valley)

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