Schedule for Damon Ramsey

 I keep this schedule as up-to-date as possible. For just completed trips and work history go to work history of Damon Ramsey. Each trip is usually set out as: dates & ports, my role, the region and trip name, the name of the ship, the name of the company (with some variations). The colour coding is: White for work; including my role, dates, locations, ship, company, red for cancellations & changes (slowing down as covid does), orange for possible, such as applicationspurple for private expeditions for writing books, lectures & website, and time off, green for work related courses, transit & training etc


Week at home in Cairns

 Biologist lecturer. March 4, 2025 - Thursday, March 20, 2025. Darwin - Sorong, Raja Ampat & Spice Islands. Coral Expeditions. 

Biologist lecturer. Thursday, March 20, 2025 - Monday, April 7, 2025. Sorong - Darwin. Raja Ampat & Spice Islands 18 Nights. Coral Expeditions. 


Month "off" in Cairns, Clean & de-mould apartment. Plumbing. Garden cement. (Last chance for trip for tax expenses? or new Sony camera & lens?). Start tax. Continue work on next two books: Madagascar (woodlands) and Coral Reefs. Kindle tax. Possible Print-on-demand options.

Updates on lectures for SS contract. Complete various courses for SS contract. Reapply for C1D?


6th May 2025. Lautoka Fiji - 20th May Lautoka Fiji. Biologist/Ornithologist. Fiji. On board Silver Cloud for Silversea.

20th May 2025 - Lautoka Fiji - 12th June Darwin Australia. Biologist/Ornithologist. Melanesia, New Guinea & Australia. On board Silver Cloud for Silversea.


12th June Darwin Australia - 22nd June Darwin Australia. Biologist/Ornithologist. Kimberley. On board Silver Cloud for Silversea.


time off


(private trip for book, Asia)

time off


6th September 2025 Darwin Australia - 29th September 2025, Lautoka Fiji. Biologist/Ornithologist. Melanesia. On board Silver Cloud. Silversea.


 29th September 2025, Lautoka Fiji - 10th October 2025, Papeete, Tahiti. Biologist/Ornithologist. Polynesia. On board Silver Cloud. Silversea.

10th October 2025, Papeete, Tahiti -  2nd November 2025, Valparaiso, Chile. Biologist/Ornithologist. Polynesia, Chile. On board Silver Cloud. Silversea.


? private trip South America - Chile & northwards.


time off

Damon Ramseyperched on the edge of a volcano in Melanesia



Rest of Jan off (at home?)

27th Jan - 8th Feb. Puerto Limon-Puerto Caldera, Cost Rica. 'East & West of Panama'. Costa Rica, Colombia & Panama. On board Hebridean Sky. Noble Caledonia.  


 8th Feb - 17th Feb. Puerto Caldera - Puerto Quetzal. 'Ancient & Natural Wonders'. Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala. On board Hebridean Sky. Noble Caledonia.  

17th Feb - 3rd March. Puerto Quetzal - Puerto Limon. 'Central American Odyssey'. Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica. On board Hebridean Sky. Noble Caledonia.  


3rd March - 14th March. Puerto Limon - Barbados. 'Passage across the Caribbean Sea'. Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Curacao, Grenada, Bonaire, Barbados. On board Hebridean Sky. Noble Caledonia.  

14th Jan - 25th March. Barbados - Cayenne. 'Sailing through the Lesser Antilles & beyond'. Barbados, Tobago, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana. On board Hebridean Sky. Noble Caledonia.  


?Month off, travel in Central & northern South America!


few weeks time off at home

25th May 2026 - 6th June 2026. London - Leith (Edinburgh). United Kingdom. On board Silver Wind, For Silversea.


 6th June 2026 - 18th June 2026. Leith (Edinburgh) - Reykjavik. United Kingdom & Iceland. On board Silver Wind, For Silversea.


18th June 2026 - 1st July 2026. Reykjavik - Nuuk. Iceland & Greenland. On board Silver Wind, For Silversea.

1st July 2026 - 14th July 2026. Nuuk - Reykjavik. Iceland & Greenland. On board Silver Wind, For Silversea.


 time off at home/travel


September. Melanesia region. On board Island Sky. Noble Caledonia.


October. Melanesia region. On board Island Sky. Noble Caledonia.


November. Melanesia region. On board Island Sky. Noble Caledonia.


time off



a few weeks off


to search this website (and the internet):