....exploring the planet's ecosystems
The interface between the cold ocean and the narrow coast is where you will see most of the action in the Arctic, including bird colonies and other critters..
Many species of Sandpiper migrate from all over the world to breed in the Arctic in the northern hemisphere summer. For this part of their lifecycle, many will base themselves in the tundra habitat, and only a few species, such as the Purple Sandpiper, are commonly seen in their 'classic' seashore habitat.
The most distinctive seabirds of the northern hemisphere polar regions are the Alcids; the Puffins and their relatives. In most people's minds, these are the equivalents of the southern polar penguins. However, unlike penguins, they can fly.
The main predator on land in this ecosystem is Ursus maritimus 'Polar Bear'. It is the biggest of all the bears, and the largest land carnivore on the planet. However, apart from sucking up a few blueberries, most of their food comes from the ocean; they may catch and kill seals, or scavenge carcasses. Indeed, some of the best views of Polar Bears are where they have been attracted to dead marine mammals such as Walrus or cetaceans washed up on the shore.
Of all the 'seals' in the Arctic, the largest and most distinctive is the Odobenus rosmarus 'Walrus'.
With Russia currently effected by war, the main areas of the Arctic to explore are Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland, and Svalbard. Great places to visit include Ilulissat in Greenland, and Torngat Mountains National Park in Canada, and the endless and remote bays and islands of Svalbard.
Out from the coast is the open Arctic Ocean and the sea ice. Inland from this cold seashore is the Arctic tundra and the Polar desert. At the other end of the Earth, the southern equivalents are the Subantarctic ocean, the Subantarctic seashore, and the Subantarctic tundra. Even further south are the oceans and shores of Antarctica.