....exploring the planet's ecosystems
Being a large island, Madagascar has many different types of habitats. The south-west of the island is dry, and includes dry woodlands, succulent shrublands and the 'Spiny Forest'. The latter habitat is endemic to Madagascar. These are unique ecosystems in a unique country...
As in many other parts of the world, the arid habitats host a high diversity of lizards.
The family Opluridae is comprised of two genera of the 'Madagascan Iguanas'. Below is Oplurus quadrimaculatus, 'Dumeril's Madagascar Swift', which is usually found on rocks in the drier habitats of southern and central Madagascar. As with many reptiles in Madagascar, they are sometimes quite tame.
Chalarodon madagascariensis, 'Three-eyed Lizard' is so named because it has a diistinct dark spot on top of the head, a parietal/pineal eye. Most lizards have this, but in this species it quite marked. It is endemic to the dry forest, spiny forest and succulent shrublands of southern and western Madagascar.
The family Gerrhosauridae includes the 'Plated Lizards'. These are Skink-like lizards that are usually chunkier and distinguished by a very 'flattened' look. The family is found only in Africa and Madagascar. In the latter country they are quite common, and species in the wetter forests are easily noticed when they rustle loudly in amongst leaf litter on the forest floor, and often stop still to allow easy viewing. Below is one of the species found endemic to the dry forests of southern and western Madagascar: Tracheloptychus madagascariensis, 'Madagascar Keeled Plated Lizard'. It has distinctive three stripes running along back.
The family Chameleon family includes Furcifer oustaleti, 'Malagasy Giant Chameleon', or 'Oustalets's Chameleon'. This is probably the most widespread and commonly seen of Madagascar's endemic chameleons, especially in more open habitats and including human habitats, so it is one of the species more likely to be seen in the arid south.
Astrochelys radiata, 'Radiated Tortoise'. The distinctive patterns on the shell give this species it's common name. It is found only in the dry habitats of southern Madagascar. It is rare in the wild, but they are commonly introduced into lodges and parks around Madagascar.
Lemur catta, 'Ring-tailed Lemur'. This one of the few lemurs that can be found in the dry spiny forest and gallery forests along rivers in the arid areas of south-western Madagascar.
The arid habitats are in the south of Madagascar, and the few visitors who explore these drier regions sometimes come in via the town of Tulear or Toliara. You can then drive inland to Isalo National Park