....exploring the planet's ecosystems
- Crowd management, 2024-2029 renew, on board Silver Cloud. Crowd Control/Management ticket, on board, Silver Discoverer, 2019-2024, (previously on board Caledonia Sky, 2014).
- CPR renew 2024-25, Cairns. First aid course & CPR renewal, Cairns, October 2023, First Aid, August 2020 Perth. renewed with STCW, Renewed Bangkok June 2018. Renewed 2011. Refreshed 2006, Renewed 2005. Renewed 2003. Renewed 2000. First aid Blue Mountain, NSW 1996.
- PTGA polar tour guide certification, Antarctica, November 2023
- Covid vaccination, Flu vaccination Cairns, October 2023, Pfizer x 2 plus booster, Darwin, September 2021.
- Coxswains update from Queensland to AMSA national, 2021-2026. Coxswain's (boat driving) Ticket Perpetual, MSQ, Cairns, June 2008. Coxswain's Course, Cairns TAFE, May 2008.
- Crisis Management & Human Behaviour, Marlins, August 2021. (and previous versions).
- AMSA version of CoST/STCW in Cairns May 2021 (to 2026) - Refreshed STCW2010 Pattaya, Thailand September 2018 - previously STCW95, Thailand, August 2013. - Course includes: Elementary First Aid, Fire Fighting and Survival, Personal Safety & Responsibility, Personal Survival Techniques, and Security Awareness.
- Remote Area First Aid & Oxygen Cairns 2021 (expired). re-issued 2007. Remote First Aid, Defibrillator and Advanced Resuscitation, First Response, Cairns, 2004.
- AMSA seafarer's medical Cairns 2023, (previously AMSA Medical certificate, 2006, renewed 2008, International 2011, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021)
- AECO, Arctic guide test and certificate 2020, 2019.
- IAATO, Antarctic guide test and certificate, 2023, 2022, 2019, 2017. Not needed for 2010-11.
- Firearm Course: focusing on Rifles, including safety and range shooting time, Durban, South Africa, December 2018. (I do not have a rifle licence).
- various Marlins Tickets, including required short online certificates: , Anti-Bribery Policy, Environmental Awareness, Environmental Tier 1, Expedition Operations manual, Code of Ethics, (previously) Crew Health & Welfare in Tropical Climates, Dignity at work, Diversity Inclusion, Drugs & Alcohol, Environmental Awareness, GDPR, Harassment & Bullying, Hours Work and Rest Record Keeping, Infection prevention/control, RCL, Recovery of persons in water, Remote landing operations, Roles responsibilities safety officer, Ship Familiarisation, Slips Trips and Falls, Toolbox Talks Certificate, Use of PPE, V.Ships Piracy Course, VGroup Working Effectively Across Cultures, Whale awareness, Zodiac Certificate,
• Marine Radio Course, Cairns TAFE, May 2008
• Blue Card issued 2005, re-issued 2007, re-issued 2009.
• Recreational Ship Master's License, Queensland Transport, Cairns, Qld, 2004.
• National Ship Board Safety, Australian.
• Biological Science Degree (BSc. Zoology), James Cook University, Cairns and Townsville, Queensland, and Northern Territory University, Northern Territory. 1997 to 2002. Studies include Geology, Botany, Rainforest Plants, Marine Biology, Fish Biology, Savanna Ecology, Environmental Issues, Ecotourism, etc, and Majoring in Zoology.
• Nomination, Cairns Tourism Association's Tourism and Hospitality Award, 2001, Nominated as a guide with the Adventure Company.
• Snake Awareness/Handling Certificate, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service/James Cook University, Townsville, 2000. Snake identification, first aid and handling.
• Driver’s Commercial Authorization (expired), Queensland, 1998.
• Light Rigid (Truck and Bus) Driver’s License, from Qld, 1998.
• Trap and display licence, Blue Mountains National Park, 1996-7. National Parks and Wildlife Service.
• Advanced Certificate in ‘Outdoor Guiding’, Blue Mountains TAFE, NSW, 1995-1996. Studies include flora and fauna interpretation, Aboriginal studies, Outdoor leadership, Outdoor Survival, History.
• Certificate in ‘Tour Directing and Guiding’. Blue Mountains TAFE, NSW. 1996. Studies include various tourism, marketing and economic subjects.
• Advanced Diving Certificate, PADI, Cairns, Queensland, 1995.
• Openwater diving certificate, PADI, Cairns, Queensland, 1995. Open Water diving Certificate, NAUI, Fitzroy Island, Qld, 1990.
• School Certificate, Sydney Technical High School, (can't remember what year, it was so long ago...)