....exploring the planet's ecosystems
I have published various books and manuals through Ecosystem Guides. The main series are the "Ecosystem Guides" and are ongoing...
The Ecosystem Guides books are a continuing series of 'ecosystem-based' field guides for the natural history of a specific ecosystem in a particular region.
The first one was the 1st edition of the Rainforest of tropical Australia.
The second book was the expanded 2nd edition of this same first title (from 200 pages to 350!).
The second title in the series was: Ocean Surfaces of Australasia
The third title in the series was: Tropical Seashores of Australia
The first e-book is: Tropical Open Ocean
The second e-book is: Antarctic sea & shore
The third e-book is: Subantarctic oceans & islands
The books started off as A4 desktop published manuals produced in-house for tour guides. They then became field guide like books, slightly less than an A5 in size (fold a typical sheet of paper - which is A4, in half, to get an idea), but the thickness varies. For example, the second edition of "Rainforest of tropical Australia" is about 470 pages, while "Ocean Surfaces of Australasia" is less than 200 pages. In terms of the organization inside, I have designed all of them to follow a similar and consistent order. The books usually begin with the basics of the physical environment, such as the climate and geology. Much of the book is then taken up with reviewing the major groups of organisms that are typical of that particular ecosystem in that area, from the simplest plants, through the diversity of invertebrates, to the birds and mammals, with a focus on the species that are most commonly seen.
The e-books are written in Notes, then set as pdf, which are then modified for viewing on a kindle. These are available through They follow a similar taxonomic order as the previous hard copy print books.
The Ecosystem Guides are designed for for tour guides, eco-tourists and interested locals.
I sell the remaining books of 'Tropical Seashores' on the ships I work on, and through contacting me online via this website. I currently have no more books of any of these titles.
Copies of these books were regularly donated to appropriate environmental, educational and ecotourism organisations in the region.