....exploring the planet's ecosystems
While the biome of Tundra occurs at high altitude in various areas around the world and on sub-Antarctic islands, it reaches it's greatest extent and diversity in the northern hemisphere Arctic region. These open habitats are characterised by their lack of trees.
With few trees on the tundra plains, the flowers of the Arctic Tundra provide much needed botanical structure (and colour) to a barren landscape...
One of the more common plants in the Arctic tundra is the bog standard 'Bog Cotton', Eriophorum.
Other flowers of the Arctic include....
In contrast to Antarctica, there is a range of easily noticed and ecologically important land-based birds to be found across the Arctic...
There is a small range of mammals to be found in the Arctic landscapes, although they may take some effort to locate. The most iconic is Ursus maritimus, the 'Polar Bear'. This is the biggest species in the bear family. It also the largest land carnivore on the planet. They generally live on the sea ice, along the shore and in the tundra of the Arctic region.
Some beautiful places to visit include Ilulissat in Greenland and Torngat Mountains National Park in Canada.